There are five astonishing reasons every classroom needs a makerspace. Join me today to hear how classrooms can utilize engagement, critical thinking, discovery, and more with a makerspace.

So this is when you might be thinking “What is a Makerspace?”

A Makerspace is a place where students can gather to create, invent, tinker, explore and discover using a variety of tools and materials. In a nutshell, it is an astonishing place to think and learn!

Links Mentioned in the Show

How the Current Education System and I Failed My Child blog post

Teachers, Is College For Everyone? Episode 27 One Tired Teacher

Blog Post: 5 Astonishing Reasons Every Classroom Needs a Makerspace (with direct links to quotes from this show)

Makerspace Moments in Literature

Listener Spotlight of the Week

Shea Dreaden A week ago · 0 Likes

I’m a fellow TpT’er(CoScine) and I agree strongly with this podcast and blog. Main main job is that of private tutor for math, chemistry, SAT, ACT, and grad school entrance exams. I meet with wonderful students all the time that are doing these great things, but don’t quite have the score. There is SO much I wish parents and students knew about college, career, SAT vs. ACT, and academic life. I use my tutoring platform to teach as much as possible on this subject so that students and parents can decide if college really is the answer.

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