Imagine you’re browsing the Internet and looking for a restaurant for a special dinner with your loved ones. You’ve found two restaurants with similar price range, similar cuisine and both establishments are relatively near to your house.

There’s only one difference, though.

Restaurant A has four 5-star reviews, three 4-star reviews and one 3-star review. Restaurant B has no reviews at all.

If you’d choose Restaurant A, you’re not alone. 85% of consumers say they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

If there are no reviews for your products, your customers don’t have any recommendations they can trust.

Aside from the social proof that product reviews & ratings provide, you can also use them as learning opportunities because they can highlight things that you can improve in the way you run your business and develop your products.

These two reasons - social proof and feedback for improvement - represent why you need to work on getting fantastic product reviews. And in today’s episode, we’ll talk about exactly how you can get them by following this great system.

Some of the best quotes from this episode:

“If you had to manually email someone and ask for feedback every time their product has been fulfilled, could you do it?”

“85% of consumers say they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Having no product reviews may cause your customers to think twice about buying from you.”

“How can you get good and genuine reviews from your customers? These six simple ideas can help you get started today.”

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Conversio Academy




Music featured in this episode was "Celery Man" by Birocratic and can be found at This podcast was produced by

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