In today’s world where flight booking and food delivery can be as easy as 1-2-3, you can start your own online business, right at your fingertips. Everything -- account set-up, company registration, visual identity design, inventory, and product creation -- can be done online!

No need to sign a massive amount of paperwork, no need for a brick-and-mortar presence and no need to work for “the man”. Being an “online entrepreneur” is the name of the game. And everybody wants a slice of this sweet, profitable pie.

Because it’s so simple to start an online business, here’s our problem: now, it’s become much harder to get attention and build traction for your start-up business.

Skeptical? Just check out Shopify’s data which says that the average lifespan of a new merchant is 14-15 months only. Starting your own business is absurdly easy. Getting your first sale so you can build towards sustainability is the absurdly back-breaking part.

And based from my own 12-year experience as an online entrepreneur, one way you can increase your business’s chance of success is by getting a business partner. I’ve done both (sole founder and with partners) and in this week’s podcast, we’ll talk about the four reasons why you should get one.

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Music featured in this episode was "Celery Man" by Birocratic and can be found at @birocratic. This podcast was produced by