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Menopause may feel like something to fix and yet, “menopause is a process, not a disease.” Val Schonberg sits down with David to discuss everything menopause.
Highlights of this episode:

The stages of menopauseMenopause and nutritionMenopause and digestionBody image and menopausePhysical and emotional well being

Episode Summary: 

Menopause is the end of a woman’s reproductive years, confirmed after one year without mensural cycle. There are three stages of menopause, perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause. Over time, women experience hormone changes, resulting in symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, and fat is stored in the central area - we don’t know why actually. Menopause can be short or up to 10 years. Post-menopausal years without estrogen can mean a decline in bone health, osteopenia, and cholesterol can rise. 

Just like puberty, there is a process. If women’s life cycles were an airplane ride, puberty is a turbulent ride up and menopause is the landing. Women in menopause and with weight gain will often self-impose food restriction, especially women who have dieted in the past. They get frustrated, because the diets are not working like they have in the past. When women go to the doctor, the LDL and cholesterol is higher, they are pre-menopausal, and the BMI is higher. The message becomes the weight gain did this and you are now at risk for other chronic diseases. However, these symptoms can be just the change in hormones, not the BMI or weight. How a woman reacts can be mentally disturbing. The desperation to lose weight can be troubling. 

Where do I go from here?

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Chop the die

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