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Are you chasing a certain body weight? Did you know your body is supposed to change? Menopause may feel like something to fix and yet, “menopause is a process, not a disease.” Val Schonberg sits down with David to discuss the intersection of menopause and nutrition.

Highlights of this episode:

Menopause and Disordered EatingMenopause and Weight BiasIntersection of Menopause and NutritionMenopause and Weight Inclusive Approach to HealthBody image and MenopauseCultivating Physical and Emotional Well-Being 

Episode Summary: 

This is Part 2 of last week’s episode. Disordered eating steals the joy from eating and from our family and friend connections. Menopause is about change and disorder eating can disrupt this process negatively. Even without the presence of an eating disorder, dieting for weight loss is problematic. Weight loss is not recommended after 65 years old for longevity. For our eating, we can prioritize nutritious foods without dieting. Doctors recommending weight loss to anyone can be harmful and short sighted for a person’s health. Val and David discuss nutrition inventions outside of weight, bringing in true self-care during this life change.

Where do I go from here?

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Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul!