This week David brings on Angie Dye, a sports dietitian certified in intuitive eating counseling, to discuss her One Small Bite to an Anti-Diet Approach to New Year’s Resolutions. In the last episode of this series David and Angie chat about using intuitive eating with athletes and in digestive health, Angie’s love for triathlons and Iron Man competitions, and how Carpe Diem became the name of her business. 

As the conversation continues Angie talks about her work with IBS, IBD, celiac disease, fatty liver, and guiding clients through FODMAP diets to determine which foods trigger their symptoms. Her and David also talk about how helpful it has been to use their training as intuitive eating counselors in their lives as parents. They also reflect on Episode 54 about intuitive eating for athletes with Kia Bourne.

About Angie Dye, MS, RDN, CSSD, LDN

Angie Dye is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and a Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD). She is also a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor.

Angie works one-on-one with clients at her nutrition practice, Carpe Diem Nutrition, in Hershey, PA. Areas of expertise include Sports Nutrition, Digestive Health, and Intuitive Eating. She enjoys helping athletes optimize their performance with nutrition, and has seen the benefits in every level of athlete from youth, up to the ultra endurance level. 

Angie believes in the power of food as medicine and loves working with clients on ways to use this important tool to improve their overall health. For her clients with digestive disorders such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Irritable Bowel Disease and Celiac Disease, this means finding foods and patterns of eating that assist with symptom management while ensuring nutritional adequacy of the diet prescription. For her clients exploring Intuitive Eating, this can mean working on letting go of old dieting rules and learning to trust the body’s own hunger and fullness cues.

Angie loves being a wife and mother of 3 delightful teenagers. She has a passion for cooking and loves sharing simple, healthful and delicious recipes with her family, friends and clients. She has always loved sports, and completed her first triathlon in 1999. She continues to compete in endurance sports and is currently training for Triathlon Age Group Nationals and Ironman Florida. Angie and her family are passionate about dog rescue and have fostered 9 dogs in the past 3 years, one of whom wiggled her way into the family.

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Remember - Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul