David interviews Lisa Carrigg, a registered dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor, for the fifth episode of the Anti-Diet Approach to New Year’s Resolutions series. Lisa is also a businesswomen based in Australia, her business is Wonder and Nourish. In this episode, Lisa shares her journey to becoming a dietitian, what it was like growing up with a biology teacher and engineer as parents, and her experience working in Peru. 

During David and Lisa’s conversations, they discuss how her curiosity at a young age encouraged her exploration of the world and eventually guided her in building her successful business. They talk about how a value-based approach to fueling yourself can liberate us from a society stooped in diet culture, how it is okay to not know where the path leads, and how eating the foods you enjoy is a part of self-care. This podcast continues to explore how many of these practices can tie into TD Wellness’ Four C’s approach to fueling your mind and nourishing your soul! (See what I did there?).

 About Lisa Carrigg MS, RD, APD
Lisa is an internationally credentialed dietitian from Seattle, Washington with a passion for Intuitive Eating, mindfulness and compassionate holistic care. In addition to completing a Masters degree in nutrition, being a Registered Dietitian in the U.S. and Accredited Practicing Dietitian in Australia she has also completed training as a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and in body image. Her practice, Wander and Nourish, is focused on supporting individuals in finding a more peaceful relationship with food, body and movement as they get to know themselves and their bodies better. Lisa believes that every-BODY and everybody deserves compassionate care and spaces that support them in feeling heard, seen and enough exactly as they are.

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Remember - Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul