This week David interviews Tiffany Thoen, a registered nurse and certified intuitive eating counselor, in the fourth episode of the Anti-Diet Approach to New Year’s Resolutions series. Tiffany shares her journey to finding Intuitive Eating, her and David discuss what body attunement is, and more. 

At the beginning of this podcast David starts with a question from Tiffany that she will use in her practice –  “what has caused you to feel like you needed to go on a diet in the past or even present?”. This question sets the stage for what the podcast is all about! As they discuss Tiffany’s work they touch on three of the four C’s – curiosity, commitment, and consistency – of the One Small Bite approach. There are many more interesting topics covered in the podcast, including the One Small Bite Tiffany takes with the work she does! 

About Coach Tiffany- As an RN, Intuitive Eating Coach, and person in long term recovery, Tiffany has helped hundreds of women to achieve their goals. She works with high achievers who can do anything they set their mind to but still struggle with food. Having experienced food obsession herself, she committed finding a kinder solution that didn't involve depriving herself. She was able to heal her relationship with food, it was so powerful that she has dedicated herself to supporting high- achievers like her to do the same. Her clients are able to find peace with food and get back to doing what they really want to do in the world!

Looking for links from this podcast? Click here, Episode 72.  

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If you want to reach me, please go to One Small Bite podcast website at that link and leave me a 90sec or less audio message. Or, feel free to reach me at [email protected] I'd love to hear from you. 
Remember - Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul