Sleep issues and challenges affect us all. In this episode I talk with dentist, Dr. Lydia Sosenko, an expert in dental oral appliances and therapy that help people sleep without the use of a CPAP or breathing machine. Many people deal with snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, or upper airway resistance syndrome, and end up developing poor sleep patterns. When we don’t get a good night’s rest on a regular basis this disrupts our body’s natural physiology. It affects our ability to heal and repair through the night, and to replenish vital nutrients and chemicals necessary to keep us happy and healthy. Join us as we bring topics about dental oral appliance therapy and how it can help us …

·      Avoid weight gain

Enhance our metabolismBetter our sleep patternsAvoid snoring, OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea), and UARS (Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome)Improve blood sugar and insulin regulationEscape blood pressure complicationsBoost mood and energy levelsBe more productive 

Come and join us for this great and important conversation, and learn if a dental oral sleep appliance is right for you.

The 30-Day Challenge deadline of Jun 20th is almost here! How’s it going? Hit me up on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitteror feel free to message me at my website and let me know how’s it going. A little accountability goes a long way! 


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Once again, I greatly appreciate you for listening and supporting my show. Remember, it really only takes One Small Biteover time to transform your life, so let’s – Chop the diet mentality; Fuel your body; and Nourish your soul! 

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