In this uncertain time of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the last thing we need is for our most important healthcare workers to get burned out, fatigued, or get sick. Listen in to this episode where I talk to Dr. Andrew Tisser, ER and urgent care physician as he explains about burnout, or as he puts it “moral injury.” What everyone needs to know in order to protect the people that keep us safe. He shares with us about the COVID-19 Pandemic Physicians Protection Act (CPPPA). We discuss topics like building a stronger primary care physician gatekeeper-based healthcare. We talk about the importance of mental and behavioral health, and about the importance of better healthcare communication and collaboration. Dr. Tisser also talks to us about the various challenges he faces with COVID-19, as well as patients with chronic illnesses like diabetes, cardiovascular disease. Oh, we get a little bonus as well. Dr. Tisser shares with us his favorite recipe of Chicken Shawarma (recipe available on my website One Small Bite).

Andrew Tisser DO is a board-certified emergency physician practicing in Western NY.  He is the host of the Talk2MeDoc podcast which focuses on the healthcare worker experience including team-based communication, burnout/"moral injury," and student debt among other topics. He is the owner of Talk2MeDoc LLC, a hybrid consulting/coaching company working with early-career physicians in regards to the three Ms - oney, mindset and making moves.

In his spare time, Andrew enjoys cooking, reading, playing the banjo and spending time with his amazing wife and dog. Andrew is always open to a conversation on any topic- please do not hesitate to reach out on any of the below platforms.

Andrew can be found at:
Email: [email protected]
Podcast Website:
FB, T - @talk2medoc, IG - @talk2medocpodcast

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Once again, I greatly appreciate you for listening and supporting my show. Remember, it really only takes One Small Biteover time to transform your life, so let’s – Chop the diet mentality; Fuel your body; and Nourish your soul! 

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