Is this your home? A disorganize kitchen with snack food, papers, and a mess of things laying all over the kitchen counters? Refrigerators and cabinets overflowing with food that something falls out right when you open the doors? Well then, this episode is just for you. I invited Conny Graf, a certified Clutter Clearing Practitioner professional organizer. Oh, and she’s also a certified finance expert and accountant, so she knows a thing or two about organization. She meets you where you are and takes you on a journey From Chaos to Peace, which is also the name of her podcast. She helps you save time & money by showing you how to clear your clutter, tame your file monster, and the best part is, that we get to talk about how to declutter the fridge or your food pantry. Conny and I talk about ways to tidy up and organize your stuff, but more importantly we discuss her Design Zone tips. The Design Zone is a simple system that prevents the clutter from creeping back in. Sounds so similar to how small changes little by little start making a difference. By living a clutter free life, you are making space for the things that are more important, like your life. Just saying! Let’s move towards your dreams and goals while being organized is simply a side-effect. 

I’m excited to bring your some more fantastic guests and experts in the fields of nutrition, food, fitness, and wellness. For now, head on over to Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, or Google and hit subscribe so you’ll automatically get the latest episodes downloaded right to your device. In the meantime, let me know what nutrition or health topic you’d like me to cover, just leave me a message here. I’d love to hear from you!  

The One Small Bite podcast is brought to you by my nutrition practice TD Wellness. You’re insurance will probably cover nutrition services, but we like to help some of you while find a new job and get through this pandemic, we are offering a rate of $50 on all virtual consults until July 1, 2020 as we all cope with this COVID-19 crisis. Click this link to contact us and make an appointment today!   

Remember, all it takes is just One Small Bite at a time to transform your life so - Chop that diet mentality, Fuel your body, and Nourish your soul! Thanks!