Whether it was our old normal, going to work every day like we use to, or our new work-from-home/quarantine normal, snacking can be a major challenge to our waistlines. In this episode I bring back the Friday Food Hack and tackle snacking! Because of the stress and added uncertainties of our new normal nowadays many of us are stuck at home with access to food 24-7. It’s right there all the time! We have a lot less social interaction, more down time and boredom, and so what else are we going to do but snack? How does it help us, and when is it not so helpful? Listen in as I explain the three key questions to ask about snacking – why we snack, when to snack, and what to snack. Tune is as I provide examples and ideas of what smart snacking looks like. I talk about those supposed health and snack bars that now seem to take up an entire grocery isle, and how smart snacking can balance food groups throughout the day, fuel your body, and enhance your health. I explore whether snacks are necessary or good for us. This way, after this episode you’ll be able to pay more attention to whether or not you need to snack so you can avoid overeating or unnecessary late-night snack. Alright, hit start on this episode cuz this is going to be a great one for snacking! 

Hey guys, during this COVID-19 crisis we need to play it smart. We need to work with each other and help where we can. Start by downloading my FREE copy of 8 Wellness Tips to Help You Fight Coronavirus, start making those smart healthy habits, and let’s get ahead of this. 

These Friday Food Hacks come mainly from listener comments and questions like you! I’m always looking out for great questions. Therefore, stay tuned by downloading my show wherever you listen to podcasts Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Google and hit that subscribe button so you won’t miss an episode. And if you get a chance, feel free to let me know what nutrition or health topic you’d like me to cover by going to Apple Podcast, or visit my website and leave me your comments there. I read every one of them. 

Once again, I greatly appreciate you for listening and supporting my show. Remember, it really only takes One Small Biteover time to transform your life, so let’s – Chop the diet mentality; Fuel your body; and Nourish your soul! I look forward to serving you soon!