These 6 Mindful Eating Techniques will truly help you enhance your health and build a better relationship to eating and food. What does that mean? It means paying attention to your body’s physiological needs as well as what you want emotionally in a way that is in balance. This Friday Food Hack ties into my previous Episode 50: The Secret Ingredient of Healthy Eating: Compassion - with Guest Patrick Bryant, where mindful eating helps us build that self-compassion and live healthier, happier, and more in balance.

6 Mindful Eating Techniques
What are they and how do they help us? 

Savor Food – really enjoy the tastes, textures, temperatures, and favorsTake it Slow – slow down and enjoy, listen to your hunger and fullnessRemove Distractions – the less distractions the more attentive you areCreate a Positive Atmosphere – make eating a calm and positive experienceBe Aware of Your Hunger – the difference between physical and emotional hungerBe Present – enjoy your company and take a break – You Need It! 

Listen in as I go into more details about these 6 techniques, and how they relate to our real world lives. Because let’s be real, can you always stop and take 20 minutes to eat a meal this way? Let me put the answer this way, what happens to your health when you spend most of your life not being mindful with your eating?

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Remember - Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul