No matter how long you’ve been in business—whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been an entrepreneur for years—I’d be willing to bet that you’ve found yourself coasting once or twice. Heck, maybe you’re there now, and if so, this episode was made for you! Today we’re doing a deep dive on what to do when your current reality looks exactly nothing like you thought it would OR nothing like what you actually want. We talk about what you need to know about building the dream business and vision casting your future so you can start living it. This episode is exactly what you need to get out of drift mode and into design mode so you can create the future you desire.


Check out the show notes here!


Some of the most powerful shifts I’ve ever experienced in my life and business are because I was willing to do the uncomfortable work of getting out of drift mode and into design mode. And when I say work, I mean the mindset work—because the mindset work IS the work. I mean really take a second and think about it, if you’re not closing the sales and getting the clients you desire, it’s likely your thoughts that are making it that much harder to make it happen. It’s also what I’m incredible at helping you shift so you can start closing sales with more ease than ever before. Seriously, helping you shift your mindset around sales is one of my absolute favorite things and I’d love to support you in exactly that on my free 30-minute, Sincere Sales coaching call. Together, we’ll do a deep dive on the underlying belief that’s making it feel so difficult to sell and how to shift so you can sell with ease and alignment. I only do a few of these each week and these calls are so much fun, so be sure to visit and grab a time that works for you!

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