I get it. As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by your mile-long to-do list and think that there’s no end in sight. But what I’ve found to be true is that mindset is the thing that shifts this in a big way. Because let’s be real, that to-do list never really ends and there’s always more that you could be doing. So in today’s episode, we’re offering a different perspective on how to ditch the overwhelm. We’re dishing both the practical actions you can take and the perspective you’ll want to borrow when it comes to building a business that you actually enjoy being in. If you’re someone who feels like you never have enough time, no one can do it as well as you can, or you work ALL the time, this episode is for you and will help you shift that in a BIG way!


Check out the show notes here!


One of my absolute favorite things to support my clients in is helping them to shift their mindset so they can take more of the RIGHT actions that actually move the needle forward in their business. And I can tell you right now that mastering sales is pretty high on that list. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by all the things you THINK you need to do to see more results in your business, but what I’ve found to be true is that it often isn’t nearly as complicated as our brains would have us think. In fact, I would be willing to bet that if you shifted your mindset and simplified your sales process you would actually see more results, not less. This is something I love to help you shift your mindset around on my free 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching call so you can sell in a way that feels good and see more results because of it. I only offer a limited number of calls each week so be sure to grab a time that works for you at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales.

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