Believe it or not, up until a few years ago, my belief system was shakey. I didn’t know WHAT to think when it came to manifesting more of what I desired in life and business. And back then, you never would have heard me even use the word “manifestation” let alone openly talk about The Universe. But the more I do this work, and the more I support others in creating the beautiful, balanced life and successful, thriving business they desire, the more I embrace that having a solid belief system (whatever that may be!) is ESSENTIAL to creating more results. So today, in the final episode of the Owning It series, I’m sharing what I’m afraid to tell you about my woo-woo beliefs. I’m dishing out the fears I’ve had around sharing my beliefs about manifestation and the work I’ve done to become more open—not just talking about this topic, but coaching around it too. My hope is that this episode will serve as a beautiful reminder to anchor into your own beliefs and use that strong foundation as a basis for creating more of what you want.


Check out the show notes here!


Obviously, I don’t believe in a secret to business. I tell you that all the time. BUT I think that most people don’t know this one thing when it comes to closing more sales: You get to CHOOSE beliefs that actually serve you. I know, it feels almost a little too good to be true, right!? Discovering this was SUCH a game-changer for me when it came to taking the “ick” out of selling so I could close more of them because instead of thinking one of the millions of lies my brain would tell me, I could choose to believe that people wanted to work with me. And you know what? As soon as I started believing that… my circumstances started lining up with that belief, allowing me to close more sales with more ease and fill my coaching practice. And of course, I want the same for you. If you’re ready to get to the root of your biggest mindset challenge around sales so you can shift it and start selling in a way that feels good, grab one of the limited number of free, 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching calls I do each week at!

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