Dr. Tara Egan, therapist and host
Anna, teen co-host
Topic: Reinforcement: Shaping Positive Behavior

This week on episode 17 of our podcast "One Day You'll Thank Me", my teen-cohost Anna (and daughter) and I are flying solo, and discussing what reinforcement is and how to use it to encourage positive behavior in your kids.

Reinforcement is when you give a consequence and it strengthens the likelihood of someone doing a certain behavior in the future, ideally positive behaviors. Sometimes it happens though, that we inadvertently reinforce negative behaviors, for instance when a child starts misbehaving and then the parent starts to give them attention, it can accidentally become reinforcing. 

As the podcast progresses, Tara and Anna discuss THE FIVE TYPES OF REINFORCERS, examples of each and some suggestions of how each can specifically be given:

1) Physical 
2) Verbal
3) Giving Privileges
4) Time
5) Tangible

We share some examples of ways that Anna receives positive reinforcement for doing chores around the house by getting positive benefits and by having some unpleasant things removed (like changing cat litter). And how she has promoted positive behavior with her little sister at the dinner table. We also dive into Tara and Anna’s process of allowing Anna to get SnapChat (reluctantly), getting both of their perspectives, which both parents and teens will definitely relate to!

Many parents often admit that they avoid promoting positive behavior in their kids, especially when they are behaving. They feel that they do not want to “rock the boat'' or ``poke the bear”. They think that the kids are playing so nice and peacefully, they do not want to disrupt it. Keep in mind that you are missing an opportunity, kids need to get that praise to know to keep doing it. You do not want to wait until they are misbehaving and possibly reinforce negative behaviors. 

Learn more about Dr. Tara Egan's therapy services RIGHT HERE.

Learn more about Dr. Tara Egan's books, webinars, public speaking opportunities, and coaching/consultation services RIGHT HERE.
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This podcast episode is edited by Laura Bauder of PodcastHERs.