Psst. In this episode, Jessica lets you in on a little secret:

No one is f**king okay right now.


So let's just make it okay to not be okay.  For our own self-care and self-compassion, as well as how we model that for those in our lives who we love.

Whether you believe it or not, we're all connected on this planet, and we're all suffering, more or less.  Even if your problems are of the first-world kind, you're still experiencing the pain, grief, and general mind-f**kery that the last two years have presented for us.  And if you're sensitive, you are really gonna be feeling allllll the feels.

Yes, there is a continuum.  If you're not getting out of bed or your social/occupational functioning is taking a hit, then if you're not already seeing a counselor or psychotherapist, it's likely time to start.  But no one's mind, heart, or nervous system can escape the consequences of living the past two years in a global pandemic, and we need to give ourselves, and others when possible, as much grace as we can.

Jessica also discusses how to find the "utter, utter okayness" under the "not okayness", and how a shared embodiment practice with other living beings, LIKE TREES, can help us reconnect with the basic goodness of our beings, and ground in times of groundlessness. 

The One Day You Finally Knew: For Folx Breaking Away podcast is produced and edited by Jessica Chasnoff, a recovering perfectionist who is always on a learning curve. While she is a psychologist, this podcast is not a substitute for mental health services. If you're struggling with mental health concerns, please reach out to a professional near you.

In episodes where Jessica discusses cases, they are composites of her clients from over the past 20 years.   She has changed names, situations, and circumstances to protect client confidentiality.

Connect with Jessica:

Email: [email protected]