Remembering that courage means to take one's heart in their hands and fearlessness means you might be afraid but are doing it anyway, we can stay true to ourselves, despite the potential consequences. 

Sometimes those consequences involve being burned at the stake.  Sometimes we need to take that risk, showing up as our full, complete, witchy selves.

In this episode, Jessica offers an example of speaking her truth, even though she risked her reputation with a professional organization. She also shares the story of a client who took a significant leap of faith, hoping that she would find a place that welcomed her fully at their table.

The One Day You Finally Knew: For Folx Breaking Away podcast is produced and edited by Jessica Chasnoff, a recovering perfectionist who is always on a learning curve. While she is a psychologist, this podcast is not a substitute for mental health services. If you're struggling with mental health concerns, please reach out to a professional near you.

In episodes where Jessica discusses cases, they are composites of her clients from over the past 20 years.  She has changed names, situations, and circumstances to protect client confidentiality.

Connect with Jessica:

Email: [email protected]