We welcomed Natalie Klun onto the OMG Show to talk with me about how to create meaningful connections with your potential clients that will turn into SALES. Having been in the industry for more than 20 years, Natalie knows a ton when it comes to how to close the deal. She is the owner of Lady Influencer and she works with female entrepreneurs who have trouble selling, and who self-sabotage their chances of making a sale when talking to a potential client. Natalie is a strong believer that selling is all about forming a strong relationship that will get clients to know, like, and trust you so that they feel comfortable buying from you.  

Natalie began her journey working with clients on other aspects of their business, but she soon realized that sales didn’t come as naturally to everyone else as they came to her. After taking a deeper look into the steps behind selling that she seemed to know intuitively, she was able to take that knowledge and turn that into her current business. There’s a lot of sales trainings out there that teach that you always have to be closing the deal but she defines selling through building and nurturing relationships. If you’re not nurturing relationships, you’re not going to be able to succeed.

She is constantly seeing people who say they were an overnight success because they ran all these ads when it’s actually because they've taken the time to build a relationship with them! If you look at what those people are doing, they’re constantly nurturing their network and they’re selling to a warm audience. Even those who are have overnight success are constantly building relationships with people. Nurturing your leads is one of the only ways to be successful in the online world and really reach the 6-figure and beyond mark. If you need help learning how to sell without forcing the sale on someone, this is the episode for you!  

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