Let’s talk about community building. This is one thing that I repeatedly see get pushed aside because it’s not seen as being valuable to entrepreneurs, but community building is what is going to make your launches a success. So many people who are completely crushing it in the online space have taken time to nurture and build their audience. Part of the reason why audience building is so important is because when you go to launch, you’ll have people to launch to! For many people, no matter where you are in your business, it’s essential for success to have a community of people who you can actively promote yourself to.  

I’ve talked to countless people before about their launches and they’ll report that they got crickets when they finally put out their product. My first question is always about the size of their audience. How many people are on your email list, have liked your page on Facebook, or follow you on Instagram? The follow-up question is always to ask whether or not they spent time nurturing those leads before the launch, and the answer in this situation is usually a resounding no. No matter how busy you are planning your launch, it’s going to be crickets if you aren’t created an engaged audience. You have to make sure that you’re providing your ideal clients with high quality, value-driven content before the launch as well or otherwise, they most likely won’t purchase from you.  

Usually, people hold themselves back from putting themselves out there on the Internet before they’re ready, and I would contend that the faster you can start to build your community the better. It doesn’t matter whether or not you have a clear picture of what you want to do or have your launch perfect, as long as you’re starting to engage with people and grow that warm audience. The sooner you can start showing up and giving value to the people on the other side of things, the sooner that you’re going to be able to get to where you want to be and achieve your goals.

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