Next Episode: Willpower

Let’s talk about starting a relationship with a new client and figuring out if they’re right for your business. I want to go through with you some of the things that I’ve seen throughout the years that are red flags. There are usually some indicators that a relationship isn’t going to be beneficial for both parties, whether that’s because of personalities, work styles, or something else. Not every client is going to be the right fit for your business and vice versa.

As you grow your business, it’s important to start saying no to clients who don’t seem right for you. I know for me in the past, I had heard over and over to say yes to every client. I personally think that this wasn’t good advice, and I would content that a bad client in your business can be monumentally detrimental to your growth, your mindset, and your moral. Someone who is not the right fit will take the wind out of your sales and suck up a TON of time. I want to walk you through 10 red flags that I’ve seen with new clients and prospects along the way.

I suggest understanding your ideal client really well and figuring out how you can ask questions that will bring forward these red flags. For example, we always ask new clients, “Do you work better under pressure or with lots of time to manage your schedule?” This gives us a better idea of whether or not they are going to follow through when we need information from them. When I see someone who is not following through on the things that they say they’re going to do, that’s a big red flag. You can see these even in small stuff like not returning a contract on time or taking forever to get you crucial information. I’m going to be going through the 10 biggest red flags that we’ve seen through our time in business so that you can avoid these pitfalls with clients who aren’t right for your business.

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