I’m noticing a huge shift in the social media world where reach is dropping and dropping and dropping, especially on Facebook and Instagram. The age of posting and pushing out content is coming to an end. It is becoming both a "pay to play" game. You either pay, or you have to be creating EXTREMELY high-value content. As consumers, we're taking in content and we’re eating it up, but we’re not necessarily creating it.

I’m well aware that I create a ton of content – four podcasts a week, plus a weekly Youtube video, and I try to write at least two of the emails that go out each month. The high-value content that you create can make a huge difference in the way that you build your community. This is becoming the age of creating macro content that is high value and that can convert. As a business owner, I realized that I am a content creator. I used to do nothing but consume content and then maybe create a few posts myself. I’ve made a conscious shift in the last several years to create high-value macro content. In moving from consumer to creator, I set some rules for myself. One of them is only following folks that you want to learn from. I also encourage you to set time limits on your social media, so that you’re not scrolling aimlessly through content for hours each day.

Another big tip is making sure that you’re setting aside time to create really high-value content. This is going to change the way that people see you in the online space. Then it becomes a fun game of figuring out how you can distribute it in a way that it’s going to be EVERYWHERE. I highly recommend that you focus on that super high value, longer-form content that can connect with your ideal client. These forms of macro content aren’t going away and are only going to increase as time goes on. It's time to make the change from consumer to creator!

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