Today is our last episode in our social media marketing data series and we’re going to talk all about podcasting and podcasting by the numbers. I wanted to dive deep into the number of social media and different initiatives that you can take in your business. Looking into the podcast numbers, I was shocked by some of this information! Having a podcast is one of the best ways that you can gain credibility in your business and really show off your expertise. Let’s get into the numbers!

On average, 51% of people have listened to a podcast. More than 80% of users listen to an average of 7 different shows per week, and more than 144 million people in the U.S. population have listened to a podcast, which is up 44% in 2018. The average household income for 45% of monthly podcast listeners is over 75,000 dollars per year. Another weird fact is that 94% of podcast listeners are active on at least 1 social media platform vs. 81% of the entire population. If you’re looking to target people who are on social media, starting a podcast can be a great way to do that. Podcast listeners are also more likely to be subscribed to Netflix or Amazon Prime, meaning that they are less likely to be exposed to television advertising.

Generally, podcast listeners are looking for something that is digestible, actionable, and is going to help keep moving them forward. Personally, my clients are the type that are too busy to sit down and watch long videos and will consume content in the car or while they work. That’s part of the reason why we launched the podcast in the first place! The podcast has become the basis for so much of the content that we put out in the world. If you’ve been thinking about starting a podcast, this is the episode for you!

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