Mindy Hancock came on to the OMG Show podcast to tell us all about her experience with changing your mindset from a negative one to a positive one! She is a mindset and life coach, alongside being a kindergarten teacher. She also has a podcast called the Mindy Mission.

From early on, Mindy tells us that she was conditioned to believe that happiness came from following the typical path of graduating from high school, getting a degree, and starting a full-time job. After she starting looking into the self-development world for ways that she could feel more fulfilled in her own life, Mindy happened upon a coach that ended up being the catalyst to launching her own business. When it comes to mindset, most of us have a lot of trouble turning off the negative inner dialogue that is telling us what we aren’t capable of doing. Mindy tells us how she learned to change the way that she speaks to herself so that she could get in the right mindset for success. She breaks down how the way you speak to yourself and about yourself (for example, always saying that you’re doing “good” rather than “great” when asked) can really have a long term effect on your life. Mindset can be tricky but it’s something that you have to get a hold of if you want to move forward!

In terms of business, it’s all about knowing that there are people out there who want to work with you and are trying to find the exact services that you offer. Mindy suggests taking any negative reoccurring beliefs that you have and turning them into positive affirmations that can help to boost your mood and change your thinking around. If you catch yourself having trouble thinking positively about yourself or your business, make sure to tune in to this episode to get her tips about how to turn it around!

Website - https://www.themindymission.com/

Instagram -https://www.instagram.com/mindylhancock/

Facebook group - https://www.instagram.com/mindylhancock/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/mindy_mission

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mindy-hancock-a53036167/

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