Today I want to talk to you about my 5 favorite business books of all time. This is something that I get asked all the time and I thought it would be really important to share it with all of you. Let’s dive into it!

#1: The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan– This is one of my more recent favorites but my copy is already a little beat up because I bring it everywhere with me! I love this book because it talks about focusing and figuring out what that one thing is that’s going to move everything else in your business forward.

#2: Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller – This book talks about all how you are not the hero of your marketing… your ideal client is! I’ve always followed an archetype for my social media, but Building a Story Brand helps you understand how you can simplify your message so your ideal client knows what you’re talking about.

#3: You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero- I even have a signed copy of this one, and I’ve listened to it as an audiobook at least 5 times. Every time that I’ve read it I’ve picked up another nugget of wisdom from her. She's studied the law of attraction, manifestation, and made this a go-to manual for anyone who believes in the power of the law of attraction.

#4: Never Lose a Customer by Joey Coleman– This book is amazing in terms of how to keep customers happy. It talks so much about the things that we forget to do. As a society, we spend so much money on client acquisition, but we don’t focus enough on client retention. This is going to teach you how you can keep clients for life!

#5: Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee– This book changed the game for me in terms of how I wanted to lead and show up in the world. This book started me on my journey to understanding how to build online communities through emotional intelligence.

These are just my top 5 recommendations and I would highly suggest tuning in to this episode to hear more about what each one can do to improve your business. Grab the bonus book here as well!

Can't Hurt Me:

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