I get asked a lot how I’ve grown the OMG business to multi-six figures a year and how I did it so rapidly. It hasn’t been rapid by any means and I would say that for the first few years I suffered from the DIY-mindset (aka thinking it was faster to do everything myself). We have fear and a lot of emotions that pop up when we bring on team members. Most of us see our business as our baby and it becomes super hard for us to delegate and to know what to delegate. It’s not easy to get rid of the mindset of doing it ourselves, but this is going to hold you back and not allow you to get to the level that you want to.

One of the things that I experienced early on was that I would work more and more. Team members seemed like they caused more noise then it was worth. I could keep managing it all myself but I was extremely stressed out and really did need the help. I’ve had many people come to me because they were afraid of delegating, they didn’t want to come across as bossy, and they were unclear about what their expectations were for their employees. They were living in fear of what would happen if something went wrong. For me, I had to switch my mindset so that I wasn’t afraid to delegate but I saw it as an opportunity instead.

It was an opportunity to give myself more time and continue to move the business forward by delegating the things that could be done easily to someone else. If you want to start to get to that next level, you have to learn how to grow a team, have effective communication, and how to delegate. I want to share with you my 3 secrets, so make sure to listen to this episode!

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