There are 112 days left in 2019 and you're not where you wanted to be! I hear this all the time. There’s STILL 112 days left and the world can change massively in that time if you get focused. Many times, we set out in the beginning for the year with this ridiculously long list that we wanted to achieve and once fall rolls around we realize that we’re not where we want to be. I’ve been there and so have a ton of my clients.

It’s time to pull out that list of goals that you set at the beginning of the year and start crossing things off that aren’t in alignment with where you want to be today. Perhaps you’ve changed your business direction, or something took you way longer than you thought, or you can’t even remember why you wrote a goal down. I know that’s happened to all my clients and myself. There are still 112 days left in 2019, and I want you to have the best year yet.

To make this year a massive success, I want you to pick the one thing that fires you up. The one program or services that you have that you can get excited about and know you can serve your ideal client at the highest level with. I constantly see people who are taking on too many initiatives and aren’t successful at all of them. They get discouraged by this time of year because they’re focusing on way too many things at once. If you’re putting too much on your plate, it’s not realistic that you can get all of it done.

Get your list out and pick just one thing. No matter what it is, just pick one single thing (I usually want revenue-generating things to make sure I hit my revenue goal for the year). Choose that one service and stay solely focused on that. Rather than creating new products, use that creativity to push your marketing forward. If you want to achieve all your goals this year, check out this episode!

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