My kids go back to school today and it’s always a bittersweet time for me. September always seems like a new beginning. September brings up a bunch of emotions for me in terms of where I’m going, where I’ve come from, and where I’m heading. I had an amazing summer that went by very fast, but one goal that I’ve already set for next summer is to be more intentional. Time got away from me, especially in August and it took me away from the work that I wanted to get done. I share this with you because it’s September! It’s time to really start thinking about what it is that you want to accomplish between now and the end of the year.

I always go through and assess where I am, where I had wanted to be, and whether or not that was still realistic. I also look at whether or not that’s still what I want to aim for. I’ve been really impacted by the book “The One Thing” because it really forces you to look at what you want to focus on the most. As entrepreneurs, we tend to over-commit ourselves and I’ve started to realize that there are certain behaviors that I want to change in order to be at the level that I want for my business. I want you to realize that if you want to get to that next level of success, you have to change and adjust your thinking so that you’re making decisions at that next level. This means saying no to things that you used to yes to, or saying yes to things that scare you and may seem unachievable! If you want to figure out how you can put yourself in the right mindset to achieve your 2019 goals, tune in to this episode!

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