These days, it’s hard to avoid headlines on what the world’s billionaires are up to. How long was Jeff Bezos in space? Is Elon Musk going to Mars? Will Rihanna ever drop that album? But one issue always tends to be front and center: how billionaires navigate donating to charity.

Now, the expectation for the richest among us to donate money wasn’t always in place. In fact, it wasn’t until the mid-1800s that George Peabody became the first self-made millionaire to start giving back to his community. George had grown up in poverty and was passionate about giving children access to better education and housing, so he created the world’s first-ever non-profit: The Peabody Education Fund.

Finding a cause that resonates with you can be easy. But finding a way to authentically support that cause with your company and CX can be tricky to navigate. To find out how to do it well, we reached out to Laura Barbieri, Manager of Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Relations at LG. She shares how LG’s Experience Happiness program is helping kids around the country improve their mental health, and how you can find a cause that’s aligned with your brand’s values.


"In order for corporate social responsibility to take center stage, it has to be the lifeblood of the company." - Laura Barbieri, Manager, CSR & Community Relations at LG 


Time Stamps

* (0:00) The world’s first non-profit

* (7:24) What is LG’s Experience Happiness program?

* (8:51) The current state of the global mental health crisis

* (12:21) How to start giving back



This podcast is presented by Oracle CX. 

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Check out LG's Experience Happiness Project