Fake news and disinformation: these are new terms for age-old ideas.  Even back around the turn of the 20th century, marketers were telling half-truths, bending and twisting narratives to influence perception.  And believe it or not, it all started with tuna.

The fishing industry had been canning salmon for decades and wanted to build a market for other fish.  So, turning to tuna and its mild “chicken of the sea” flavor, a cannery executive came up with a single line that pit tuna against salmon. Though it was a true statement, in just a few words, the executive was able to make canned salmon seem like an inferior product. Though the story is likely apocryphal, it’s an example of the power of disinformation.  But you’ll have to listen in to find out what that one line of advertising was.

Now, in our developing media landscape where people have free rein to say whatever they want about your brand, it’s important to have some insurance against disinformation.  That’s where Wasim Khaled, CEO of Blackbird.ai, comes in.  We’re learning from him about sifting through potential risks to determine which ones are important,  building reputational resiliency, and getting ahead of the game to prevent threats in the first place.


"Executives come to us confused about the conversations they are being dragged into online. They don't understand why they're being targeted.  Often, a large organization or a CEO is the perfect medium to spread a message further and faster by a threat actor. And that threat actor could be a nation-state, it could be a competitor, it could be a fringe group or some other entity that's trying to take down that organization.”

“These types of methodologies and hit jobs are mutating daily. When they hit, they really spread like a virus and they can drastically shift the public's perception about an organization, leader, politician, or even policy.  And it's really something we think about as a cyber attack on human perception.  Leadership today is simply not prepared.”

“The only difference between today's misinformation around anti-vax or any of the misinformation that used to spread around the world in the past is that today the power of social media to move messaging at immense speed and scale has made this instant and global. If there was one thing I could say about disinformation, it's not just about what is true or what is false, it's about narrative manipulation. And it's about manipulating people's beliefs based on their fears.”  


Time Stamps

*[0:03] How canned tuna took over the market

*[2:38] The catch

*[2:59] Intro

*[3:55] The growing sea of disinformation

*[5:49] Enter Wasim Khaled, CEO of Blackbird.ai

*[8:04] A CX leader’s worst nightmare

*[10:48] Getting ahead of the threat

*[14:58] What’s in it for the threat actors?

*[17:05] How misinformation can destroy a reputation

*[19:41] To respond or not to respond?

*[24:17] How Blackbird.ai does CX

*[28:41] Teaming up against disinformation

*[30:37] Outro



This podcast is presented by Oracle CX. 

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