Recently, a friend told me "I just don't feel like i'm doing good enough and I don't feel proud of myself". This friend of mine has built multiple businesses, is financially independent, has made a name for herself... and she isn't even 30 yet!

So when I heard that, I thought, how can she think this way?

It occured to me that this is something a lot of highly-successful individuals experience, and it is called the "Impostor Syndrome". 

This is when you start thinking you don't deserve the success you've achieved, or you only got there because you faked competence, and you can't help but feel like a fraud.

Pretty extreme, right? But it's more common than we think. And what's really interesting is that it happens more often as you become more experienced or more successful in your field.

If you don't pay attention, the impostor syndrome can take over your life, and you can sabotage your own success in a major way. The good news is that you can tell the signs and you can stop it from taking over! 

So in this episode, I shed some light on how to tell if you have Impostor Syndrome + how you can get over it.