Mindless scrolling πŸ™ˆ is arguably the biggest time-waster that's plagued us in the last 4-5 years.

And by mindless, I mean scrolling through your social media feed for 30 minutes straight, and before you know it πŸ’₯ BAM πŸ’₯ 2 hours just flew by. πŸ˜‚

As a content creator and online business owner, it's really hard not to get distracted. But scrolling doesn't need to be mindless - it can also be productive!

How? By using all that time ✨CURATING✨ content at the same time!

This way, you're not only viewing content, but also cataloguing them!

Content curation helps you become more mindful of the content you see + helps you save time and energy thinking what to post everyday! πŸ™Œ

In this episode, I talk about the Art of Content Curation, a.k.a Scrolling with a Purpose, and how you can curate properly for your business!