Today we're talking about curiosity. (Huzzah!) Buzzword or not, there's a lot that goes into this word. In today's episode, we define curiosity as being connected to comfort zones, our willingness to try new things, facing fears, and putting ourselves in the position where we are open to growing, learning, and experiencing. We even go so far as to say that curiosity is the keystone for evolving in our lives. So sit back, take a listen, and embrace curiosity in your life. We want to hear from you! Are you a curious person? Where has that way of showing up in the world benefited you and/or pushed you out of your comfort zone? The Episode: Topics Discussed: Some announcements about the end of Season 1 (plus a surprise offer!) Giving ourselves permission to be curious Questioning why things are showing up in life FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) versus FONA (Fear of Not Achieving) Grand gestures versus the small whispers Curiosity spiraling out of control The power of WHY Comfort zones and why we push outside or stay put Contentment and Upper Limiting Opening yourself up to new experiences The reality of things versus what we build them up to in our head Curiosity as a quality in a person What scares the crap out of us and pushes us to the edge of comfort zones How we feel about what we put out into the world Old stories around contentment and striving The things that happen in the third decade of life Short-term and long-term goal setting What's bringing up fear and excitement for us lately Resource Links: The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks The Floating Episode Feel the Fear ...and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers Emily's new Etsy Shop Quotables: [bctt tweet="I was struggling to find my voice and my path; embodying a spirit of curiosity was powerful." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="Curiosity opened the door for me to ask questions." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="I think I have FONA - fear of not achieving. It’s the curse and a blessing of being an entrepreneur." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="I’m starting to pay attention to the smaller cues instead of the grand gestures." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="Comfort zones are filled with boredom, but also safety." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="Curiosity takes down the veil of what can look very exciting from the outside." username="cured_life"] [bctt tweet="Curiosity as a quality in a person is really attractive. It makes you way more interesting." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="When I’m talking to someone, I don’t want pleasantries, I want shared human experiences." username="cured_life"] [bctt tweet="The more you know, the more you can share." username="cured_life"] [bctt tweet="I’m afraid that what I put out there won’t matter, and that I won’t discover what I’m meant to do." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="It’s helpful for me to follow those breadcrumbs of what piques my curiosity." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="Sometimes you have to break something in order to put it back together more beautifully." username="emilylevenson"] Hit us up: Twitter: @nandfpodcast and #nandfpodcast Facebook: nourishandflourishpodcast Email: [email protected]

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