Patience is a virtue. Or so we've all been told. But how often do we actually sit back and think about the role patience plays in our lives or how we cultivate more of it? If you're anything like us, the answer is probably never. Today's conversation focuses on how patience shows up in our lives, how we react when things are happening in the time frame that we want them to, and also the idea of teaching others to cultivate patience in their own lives. We want to hear from you! Are you a patient person or an impatient person? What could you do to practice and/or cultivate patience in your life? What could you do to practice and/or cultivate patience in your life? The Episode:   Topics Discussed: Why we chose the topic of patience Teaching and practicing patience When are most patient or tolerant When we've totally lost our shit Slowing down and taking the time to look around Patience and meditation Flexing your patience muscle Slowing down time and how that impacts the way we experience the world Cultivating more patience in our own lives Resource Links: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert Emily’s Instagram The Intuition Episode (#15) Feminine and Masculine Energy (#18) The Artist's Way Automatic Writing S-Town Podcast Why New Experiences Are Important, and How They Positively Affect Your Perception of Time Why Life Speeds Up As You Get Older: How Memory Shapes our Past by Douwe Draaisma Quotables: [bctt tweet="I am a reformed, extremely impatient-at-heart person." username="cured_life"] [bctt tweet="Patience in social situations is not a problem for me, but creative patience is." username="cured_life"] [bctt tweet="With a 3-year-old you have to be patient and tolerant, or you’ll lose your mind." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="Patience isn’t this virtuous quality, it’s something we all have to practice." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="Sometimes I worry that people think of me as a flake or scattered because I’m not patient enough." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="I’m still honing in on where I want the filtered, creative output of myself, and who I am, to land." username="cured_life"] [bctt tweet="I am finding the balance between tiptoeing and not diving straight into the deep end." username="cured_life"] [bctt tweet="It feels really against my character to sit back and wait." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="Watching children grow up, you realize how quickly things happen." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="I wish I could be unaware of time. Or maybe channel the way I used to view it as a kid." username="cured_life"] [bctt tweet="You anchor your days differently as you get older, and that changes the experience of time." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="I'm always more patient when I can embody a sense of wonder about the world around me." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="Impatience shows up when I’m excited about something." username="emilylevenson"] [bctt tweet="Maybe patience boils down to savoring the space that you’re in." username="emilylevenson"]