Mindful sex - how do we have more of it?

Dr Anna Hushlak is a sex scientist and pleasure advocate, Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer at #FemTech company Ferly (@weareferly), an app empowering 50 million women and folx with vulvas to have healthy, confident and pleasurable sex.

This episode is about how to have more mindful sex, which is a discussion with a lot of different elements, from the differences between male and female desire, to arousal vs desire, sexual challenges, building confidence, moving away from functional pleasure and how to understand your own vulnerability on the topic. We also cover the impact of porn ('good' and 'bad'),  the links between sexual and mental health, as well as Anna's experience in a femtech start-up.

In summary: sex is important! And you don't need to have a partner to explore this vital part of yourself.
