Most people suffer from certain social anxieties. Just the idea of speaking in front of a crowd can make otherwise confident people break into a nervous sweat. Fear of rejection is also very common in society… just ask any teenager who’s too afraid to ask out their crush. In this episode, Gabe and Michelle talk about these common feelings from the perspective of having additional mental illness thrown in, creating a blend that is no one’s favorite.

Highlights from ‘Social Anxiety’ Episode

[2:00] Where are you from?

[4:30] Social anxiety and the big city.

[8:00] Talking to important people is scary.

[10:30] Overthinking your whole day when you go to sleep at night.

[12:30] Delusions about the past.

[16:00] How can you be content with the past?

[18:00] Putting rejection in your own control.

[23:30] Google says people of our ages shouldn’t have social anxiety, anymore.

[24:00] How we get rid of anxiety and public speak!