Check out this weeks tips. If you can’t listen now then download for later. You can find all the tips first on my Twitter account.

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Here’s the tips…

Google Business Pages now let you configure special business hours for Xmas & Holidays

Facebook has 8 billion video views a day. Upload direct. Don’t link from YouTube

Sales & Marketing should work together on content ideas. Sales know the questions & marketing can translate it

B2B websites with blogs generate 67% more leads than those without. Get a business blog!

Spend time on your YouTube description & tags. Time spent watching impacts your ranking

Google’s Interstitial penalty is now live. Don’t launch giant app adverts on your mobile site

People are usually looking for facts when searching online. Make sure your content offers this in a concise way

Write Acronyms in full the first time then use the abbreviation. Don’t assume people know what you’re talking about.

New Study: 80% of customer questions are missed on social media. Set up notification & use Hootsuite for monitoring

Personalise your social media content this Xmas. Use staff & customer images to make better connections

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