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Here’s the tips…

84% of consumers use search engines to gather information for local purchases. Update your local details

Don’t make people jump through hoops. Give them your content right away without unnecessary clicks

If you use Alias domain make sure you 301 redirect them & use the Canonical link to stop the alias outranking the original

Put a Social Media disaster plan in place now. If things go wrong over Xmas you need to be able to react quickly

Try to deal with one main key phrase or topic per page. Don’t spread yourself too thin, target a topic per page

Find a voice or style for your blog & stick to it. Writing as you speak is a great way to get your personality over

Google Analytics turns 10. Search for goals, campaigns & Analytics URL Builder to make more use of this great free tool

Create a Social Media content calendar. Know EXACTLY what you’re posting over the busy Xmas period. Plan ahead.

Reading lots of blogs will help you become a better blogger. Study what works for others & translate this to your own blog

Create a buyers guide ebook & give it away on your website. Make is genuine resource & you’ll attract links & build trust

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