Every week my tips podcast brings you an in-depth look at all my weekly advice and you can find all the tips first on my Twitter account.

If you find it useful then don’t forget to subscribe via iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio or Soundcloud.

Here’s the tips:

Add a further reading section to the bottom of your blog posts for better content discovery

Facebook rules the roost in the UK with 43% of people using the platform each month

Your visitors like to skim read so make sure you create great sub headings & calls to action

If you run events make sure you add Event Schema to your site using Google’s Data Highlighter to get some rich snippets

Check Reddit & Quora for your blogs topics to get ideas for new posts

Over half of Instagram users are under 30. If this is your market you need to be there

Ecommerce stores should make sure all product descriptions are fully optimised NOW… its nearly Xmas

Check Facebook Insights to find posts that have worked in the past. Check top engagement & reach then repeat

Don’t forget to cross link your pages where it makes sense. This really helps to reduce bounce rate

Make sure you offer customer service on Social Media. Monitor your brand & respond to issues quickly

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