Hi Everyone! Welcome back to the Monday Motivation Podcast: NO MORE FRIGGN EXCUSES! Yep, it's gonna be like that! You IN or Out? Only you can decide! Wow, I should have said THAT in my opening of my podcast!

The last few podcasts have been about checking progress, making adjustments and this week in the podcast I talked about breaking down that goal, to make sure they aren't really "tasks associated with a goal". (Refer to podcast #41 for more about that!) ... and then seeing what HABITS, yes those pesky things you do, or should do, regularly to help you ACHIEVE your actual GOALS! 

What can you do to change a habit? What can you do to CREATE a habit? I read a quote recently about habits, it was something like, "if you don't like your habit, love something BIGGER than it". Which is great as sometimes we don't like "having to" exercise, make healthier choices, make those follow up phone calls, network, ASK, etc... but it's a necessary evil isn't it? If we LOVE the goal that we want to achieve, that can be your motivator to sort of "power through" the habit, the task that's associated with your goal. 

Listen in this week and then email me or post in the comments section what needs to change? Your mindset? Your understanding? Your habits? Your environment? And remember it doesn't all have to change over night. That can be overwhelming for some. 

I look forward to hearing from you, and don't forget about my upcoming 90-Day Goal VISION workshop this Friday, July 21st! Register here (if in Indy!) It's $79 9-Noon. Only 5 spots left - it's a small group, so INTROVERTS this is great for you!!! 

Have a great week! And again, PLEASE SHARE the podcast and,... if you have NOT connected with me via social media, please do so!
