Happy Monday Motivation! Welcome back to the podcast NO More Excuses! 

Thank you for continuing to come back week after week and for sharing my podcasts with others! It's exciting to have you listen in and to take strides to grow both personally and professionally! 

Last week! WOW! Such a weird week. It started with a funeral, so that's never good, but from that funeral came some words of wisdom, and she was just 17 years old. (I know cue the song!) She was definitely wise beyond her years. Last week I had some ideas come together, I reached clarity on other things and yes, changed a habit I had fallen into! (Refer to last week's podcast #68 to listen about changing habits!) 

This change in habit WILL HELP ME achieve a goal of mine! How about you? What have you changed or WILL YOU change to help YOU achieve a goal? Remember: Habits ARE the KILLER of goals!!!!

The thing is, and what I talk about in this week's podcast is determining HOW BADLY YOU WANT to ACHIEVE that GOAL! I hit that wall of frustration and made that decision to make changes. It's hard! I tend to go "all in" - cold turkey. If you have to ease-in to change a habit, that's fine, as long as you're making progress! But if you're just "DREAMING" about an idea or something you want, will you ever achieve it? 

So, listen in and then email me or post in the comments section, decide, like my 2nd book is titled, "How Badly Do YOU Want 'IT'?" and then tell me one DREAM, or GOAL you've wanted but haven't achieved. And NOW that you're ready, what will you CHANGE, IMPLEMENT... DO to achieve it?

If you can't figure out "how", email me to set up a strategy session! Or find a Coach who will help you design action steps and hold you accountable so you CAN go from "Dreamer" to "DOER"! 

Have a great week! (Please share this podcast!! And post where you are listening to this! I love hearing where everyone is!!) It's pretty cool and I thank YOU for that!