Happy Monday Motivation!

Welcome back and THANK YOU for coming back, or for being here for the 1st time and then next week you'll be back for more! NO MORE EXCUSES, that is! LOL!

Alright so last week you realized how awareness creates growth. I heard from a few people, and discuss it in this week's podcast about their moments of awareness and how it's helped them relieve frustrations and allow for growth both personally and professionally. 

What about YOU? Listen in to podcast #66 and then email me if you haven't already!

But for this week, after you've given yourself a "self high-five" for your awareness, your successes, it's time to look at WHAT'S NEXT?! Like the title asks... "Where are you"? Not location (although I do like hearing where you are listening to this!) but I mean in regards to your GOALS!

Nope, it never ends does it?! If it did, you would end as well! So, let's do this! How can you apply this new found awareness to other areas of your life? With the year half-over, do you know if you'll finish the year strong? If you made your lists, and have realized things about you to eliminate frustrations and have created growth, you should be on your way! Some people need a little help with "what's next" and "how", and that's why I do workshops (click here for info on the next one!) and Coach! I love helping people "see" what they can accomplish! 

And yes, now is the time, now that the 4th of July is over, and the kids are settling into Summer break, and graduation parties are over... take a break, and look at YOUR GOAL! Where are you? Have you made progress? On some? On all? On none? Do remember, any progress, no matter how small is STILL progress!

Again, listen in to this week's podcast and then comment here or email me and tell me your TOP goal for 2017 and what your progress is (good or bad!) and then we can figure out WHAT'S NEXT and HOW to finish your year STRONG! 

If you need help, and are NOT in Indiana or can't make it to the July 21st workshop, let's schedule a strategy session via phone, Skype or FaceTime! There's no time like NOW to get going!!! 

Have a great week!
