Hanging on the wall in my office, so that I see it every time I start a workday, is a one-page essay by Seth Godin, titled "Pick Yourself."This simple phrase, to me, represents the enormous opportunity offered to each of us by our hyper-connected world. There are almost no "gatekeepers" anymore: if you want to be a leader, an artist, a change-maker, you don't need to wait around and hope you get picked.Instead, pick yourself. Start doing the thing you want to do and use the incredible tools -- blogs, podcasts, YouTube channels, social media -- now at your disposal to amplify and deliver your message to the people who need to hear it.This is exactly what Alex and Jeanette Ruiz have done as leaders of the successful NMA Miami group. At a time in their life when they were considering a move to another city for lack of plant-based culture in Miami, the opportunity to step up and lead their local movement came along.Their success in connecting with like minds made them hungry for more change, and they've taken their role as leaders in this movement a step further with a new podcast, called Planted in Miami, which was featured in iTunes' "New and Notable" section last week.In this episode of No Meat Athlete Radio, I talk with Alex and Jeanette about the success of NMA Miami and the steps they've taken to achieve early success with their podcast. This in hopes, of course, that it inspires you to find your voice in this movement, and to pick yourself.