Science Helps Man Walk Again

Science is great! Science finds ways to help people. It's helping Mr. Oskam. Twelve years ago, he had a bad motorcycle accident. After the accident, his legs didn't work. He wasn't able to walk. He used a wheelchair for a long time.
12年前 Oskam先生遭遇車禍,雙腿無法行走,有很長一段時間需要依靠輪椅。

Then scientists put implants in Mr. Oskam's body. These implants are very small computers. He has two implants in his brain and one around his spine.
科學家在 Oskam 先生的腦袋跟脊椎植入訊號發射器。

Mr. Oskam also wears a special helmet. The implants, helmet, and a computer work together. Mr. Oskam carries the computer in a backpack on his back.

To move his legs, first Mr. Oskam thinks about moving them. His brain implants send a signal to the helmet. The helmet sends a signal to his spine implant. That implant sends a signal to his legs. Then his legs move!

Mr. Oskam can walk slowly. He can stand and climb stairs too. And he can move more without help! He's very happy. Being able to move is very cool!

Every day, scientists find new ways to help people. Helping people to walk again is great!



1. leg 腿
Hey there! How are you holding up today? 嗨,你今天怎麼樣?
My legs are hurting after a long walk yesterday. 我現在腿痛,昨天走了太長的路。

2. walk 走路
Yeah? How long did you walk? 是嗎? 你走了多久?
About 10 minutes.大概十分鐘。
Only 10? 只有十分鐘?

3. brain 腦袋
Then I have to tell you, my brain hurts too. 那我得告訴你,我的腦袋也痛。
And the reason? 理由呢?
I had to climb that mountain of paperwork at the office. 我在辦公室爬了堆積如山的文件。

4. able 能夠的
So your brain worked overtime? 所以你的腦袋超時工作?
Well, at least we are still able to move around. 至少我們都還能活動。
That's true. 你說對了。

Let's read the vocabulary.


1. What kind of accident did Mr. Oskam have?
a. Motorcycle
b. Work
c. Science

2. How many implants does Mr. Oskam have?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three

3. What does Mr. Oskam carry in a backpack?
a. A helmet
b. A computer
c. An implant

1. a
2. c
3. b

Science Helps Man Walk Again

Science is great! Science finds ways to help people. It's helping Mr. Oskam. Twelve years ago, he had a bad motorcycle accident. After the accident, his legs didn't work. He wasn't able to walk. He used a wheelchair for a long time.

12年前 Oskam先生遭遇車禍,雙腿無法行走,有很長一段時間需要依靠輪椅。

Then scientists put implants in Mr. Oskam's body. These implants are very small computers. He has two implants in his brain and one around his spine.

科學家在 Oskam 先生的腦袋跟脊椎植入訊號發射器。

Mr. Oskam also wears a special helmet. The implants, helmet, and a computer work together. Mr. Oskam carries the computer in a backpack on his back.


To move his legs, first Mr. Oskam thinks about moving them. His brain implants send a signal to the helmet. The helmet sends a signal to his spine implant. That implant sends a signal to his legs. Then his legs move!


Mr. Oskam can walk slowly. He can stand and climb stairs too. And he can move more without help! He's very happy. Being able to move is very cool!


Every day, scientists find new ways to help people. Helping people to walk again is great!




1. leg 腿

Hey there! How are you holding up today? 嗨,你今天怎麼樣?

My legs are hurting after a long walk yesterday. 我現在腿痛,昨天走了太長的路。

2. walk 走路

Yeah? How long did you walk? 是嗎? 你走了多久?

About 10 minutes.大概十分鐘。

Only 10? 只有十分鐘?

3. brain 腦袋

Then I have to tell you, my brain hurts too. 那我得告訴你,我的腦袋也痛。

And the reason? 理由呢?

I had to climb that mountain of paperwork at the office. 我在辦公室爬了堆積如山的文件。

4. able 能夠的

So your brain worked overtime? 所以你的腦袋超時工作?


Well, at least we are still able to move around. 至少我們都還能活動。

That's true. 你說對了。

Let's read the vocabulary.







1. What kind of accident did Mr. Oskam have?

a. Motorcycle

b. Work

c. Science

2. How many implants does Mr. Oskam have?

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

3. What does Mr. Oskam carry in a backpack?

a. A helmet

b. A computer

c. An implant


1. a

2. c

3. b