AI Makes Crunchy Chips Quiet

Do you like potato chips, corn chips, or other crunchy food? Many gamers like crunchy food. They crunch on chips. They play games on their computers and crunch.
你喜歡吃酥脆的零食嗎? 很多遊戲玩家喜歡邊打電玩邊吃洋芋片。
Using a microphone, they talk to other gamers. Some gamers crunch and talk to other gamers… at the same time!
But many people don't like to hear crunching! It's annoying! But now Artificial Intelligence, or AI, can help. It erases crunching!* *How?
可是很多人不喜歡聽到這種討人厭的喀滋聲! 現在人工智慧 AI 可以幫忙消除噪音,怎麼做到的呢?
Five hundred people crunched chips in front of a microphone. They did this ten times. AI learned these 5,000 crunching sounds.
500個人在麥克風前吃洋芋片,每個人吃十次,讓 AI 學習這種噪音。
It also learned talking sounds. It learned that crunching and talking sounds are different. AI learned to erase crunching sounds but keep talking sounds.
A company made an app that uses this AI. People can use this app with microphones on a computer. They hear themselves crunching. People in the same room hear them crunching. But… the people they're talking to on the computer don't hear crunching!
有公司利用這項 AI 技術研發出應用軟體,玩家把這個軟體用在電腦的麥克風上,就可以大快朵頤洋芋片,對方都聽不到。
With this app, you can crunch, crunch, crunch and talk to people on the computer. And you won't be annoying!


1. potato 馬鈴薯
Potato chips! 洋芋片!
Yeah, would you like some? 沒錯,你要吃一點嗎?
No. Potato chips are not good.不了,洋芋片不大好。

2. make 讓
They are too salty. 它太鹹了。
They make me thirsty. 會讓我口渴。
You’re very careful with what you eat. 你對吃的東西真小心。
Are you sure you don’t want some? 你確定不要來幾片?

3. corn 玉米
No, thank you. I prefer corn chips. 不了,多謝,我比較喜歡玉米片。
The ones without salt. 沒有鹽的那種。
Oh, I like those too. 我也喜歡那種。

4. in front of 在前面
I love sitting in front of the TV and eating corn chips and salsa. 我最愛坐在電視前面吃玉米片配莎莎醬。
Let’s do it tonight.我們今晚就來吃。

in front of在前面


1. How many crunching sounds did AI learn?
a. 500
b. 5,000
c. 5 million

2. What did AI learn to do with crunching sounds?
a. Erase them
b. Talk to them
c. Chew them

3. What is ‘AI’ short for?
a. Alien Intelligence
b. American Intelligence
c. Artificial Intelligence

1. b
2. a
3. c

AI Makes Crunchy Chips Quiet

Do you like potato chips, corn chips, or other crunchy food? Many gamers like crunchy food. They crunch on chips. They play games on their computers and crunch.

你喜歡吃酥脆的零食嗎? 很多遊戲玩家喜歡邊打電玩邊吃洋芋片。

Using a microphone, they talk to other gamers. Some gamers crunch and talk to other gamers… at the same time!


But many people don't like to hear crunching! It's annoying! But now Artificial Intelligence, or AI, can help. It erases crunching!* *How?

可是很多人不喜歡聽到這種討人厭的喀滋聲! 現在人工智慧 AI 可以幫忙消除噪音,怎麼做到的呢?

Five hundred people crunched chips in front of a microphone. They did this ten times. AI learned these 5,000 crunching sounds.

500個人在麥克風前吃洋芋片,每個人吃十次,讓 AI 學習這種噪音。

It also learned talking sounds. It learned that crunching and talking sounds are different. AI learned to erase crunching sounds but keep talking sounds.


A company made an app that uses this AI. People can use this app with microphones on a computer. They hear themselves crunching. People in the same room hear them crunching. But… the people they're talking to on the computer don't hear crunching!

有公司利用這項 AI 技術研發出應用軟體,玩家把這個軟體用在電腦的麥克風上,就可以大快朵頤洋芋片,對方都聽不到。

With this app, you can crunch, crunch, crunch and talk to people on the computer. And you won't be annoying!



1. potato 馬鈴薯

Potato chips! 洋芋片!

Yeah, would you like some? 沒錯,你要吃一點嗎?

No. Potato chips are not good.不了,洋芋片不大好。

2. make 讓

They are too salty. 它太鹹了。

They make me thirsty. 會讓我口渴。

You’re very careful with what you eat. 你對吃的東西真小心。

Are you sure you don’t want some? 你確定不要來幾片?

3. corn 玉米

No, thank you. I prefer corn chips. 不了,多謝,我比較喜歡玉米片。

The ones without salt. 沒有鹽的那種。

Oh, I like those too. 我也喜歡那種。

4. in front of 在前面

I love sitting in front of the TV and eating corn chips and salsa. 我最愛坐在電視前面吃玉米片配莎莎醬。

Let’s do it tonight.我們今晚就來吃。





in front of在前面


1. How many crunching sounds did AI learn?

a. 500

b. 5,000

c. 5 million

2. What did AI learn to do with crunching sounds?

a. Erase them

b. Talk to them

c. Chew them

3. What is ‘AI’ short for?

a. Alien Intelligence

b. American Intelligence

c. Artificial Intelligence


1. b

2. a

3. c