What Killed the Dinosaurs?

Once upon a time, there were big dinosaurs living on Earth. Why did they go away?

Some people say a very big space rock hit the Earth in Mexico. The "kaboom" was so big that it hit all the dinosaurs. Did this happen?

Some smart scientists have another idea. They say the dinosaurs are gone because of volcanoes in India.

Volcanoes are special mountains. They have holes on top! Volcanoes rumble and grumble. And they shoot out fire!

At the time of the dinosaurs, volcanoes shot out lots of fire and smoke. This happened for a very long time. This made the air very smelly.

After many years, the volcanoes changed the weather. The world got very cold. These scientists think this is why the dinosaurs are gone.

So, what made the dinosaurs go? Was it the volcanoes, the big space rock… or both? Scientists are not sure now, but their ideas are very interesting!
究竟是什麼原因讓恐龍消失呢? 是火山,是隕石,還是兩個都有? 科學家還不確定,但是他們的想法很有趣!

Today, scientists look for rocks and dinosaur bones in the ground. This helps them learn more about what happened to the dinosaurs!



1. shoot 噴發
Can you imagine Datun Mountain erupting one day? 你能想像有一天大屯山爆發嗎?
And shooting out fire and ash? 然後噴出火焰和灰塵?
That would be so cool! 那好酷喔!
No, it wouldn't. 才不呢。

2. because 因為
Our weather may change because the ash would block the sun.我們的天氣可能改變,因為火山灰會遮住太陽。

3. for a long time 長時間
But Datun Mountain has slept for a very long time. 但是大屯山已經沉睡很久了。
With volcanoes, you never know. 火山是說不準的。

4. scientist 科學家
I'm not worried. We have good scientists. 我不擔心,我們有很好的科學家。
Yeah, let's hope they don't fall asleep.對啊,希望他們不會睡著。

for a long time長時間


1. Where did the big space rock hit the Earth?
a. Canada
b. Mexico
c. India

2. What shoots out of volcanoes?
a. Cold air
b. Holes
c. Fire

3. What do scientists look for to learn about dinosaurs?
a. Rocks and bones
b. Rumbles and grumbles
c. Cold smelly air

1. b
2. c
3. a

What Killed the Dinosaurs?

Once upon a time, there were big dinosaurs living on Earth. Why did they go away?


Some people say a very big space rock hit the Earth in Mexico. The "kaboom" was so big that it hit all the dinosaurs. Did this happen?


Some smart scientists have another idea. They say the dinosaurs are gone because of volcanoes in India.


Volcanoes are special mountains. They have holes on top! Volcanoes rumble and grumble. And they shoot out fire!


At the time of the dinosaurs, volcanoes shot out lots of fire and smoke. This happened for a very long time. This made the air very smelly.


After many years, the volcanoes changed the weather. The world got very cold. These scientists think this is why the dinosaurs are gone.


So, what made the dinosaurs go? Was it the volcanoes, the big space rock… or both? Scientists are not sure now, but their ideas are very interesting!

究竟是什麼原因讓恐龍消失呢? 是火山,是隕石,還是兩個都有? 科學家還不確定,但是他們的想法很有趣!

Today, scientists look for rocks and dinosaur bones in the ground. This helps them learn more about what happened to the dinosaurs!




1. shoot 噴發

Can you imagine Datun Mountain erupting one day? 你能想像有一天大屯山爆發嗎?

And shooting out fire and ash? 然後噴出火焰和灰塵?

That would be so cool! 那好酷喔!

No, it wouldn't. 才不呢。

2. because 因為

Our weather may change because the ash would block the sun.我們的天氣可能改變,因為火山灰會遮住太陽。

3. for a long time 長時間

But Datun Mountain has slept for a very long time. 但是大屯山已經沉睡很久了。

With volcanoes, you never know. 火山是說不準的。

4. scientist 科學家

I'm not worried. We have good scientists. 我不擔心,我們有很好的科學家。

Yeah, let's hope they don't fall asleep.對啊,希望他們不會睡著。




for a long time長時間




1. Where did the big space rock hit the Earth?

a. Canada

b. Mexico

c. India

2. What shoots out of volcanoes?

a. Cold air

b. Holes

c. Fire

3. What do scientists look for to learn about dinosaurs?

a. Rocks and bones

b. Rumbles and grumbles

c. Cold smelly air


1. b

2. c

3. a