We live in a time of WAY too much information. Everybody is constantly bombarded with Instagram, Facebook, ads everywhere, whatever it may be! But while we're definitely not short on information, what we are absolutely lacking in is implementation. I grew up overwhelmed with shame. It was pervasive, it felt like it was in my soul. I couldn't lift my head up to look in the mirror, because what mirrored back at me was something I couldn't accept. But here's what I didn't know then that I do now: Shame is a universal emotion. Every person who walks this earth will experience it at some point or another in their lives. And what matters is your response to it. The idea is not to push it away as if it doesn't exist, it's that we have to make peace with it because it's always going to be part of our life. But how do we make peace with something that never goes away?...

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