In episode 007 (the James Bond Episode), Joey talks to Kailah about her life while growing up witnessing domestic abuse, bullying, and a very inspiring and determined journey to not only change her physical health but also to keep herself disciplined for a combined physical and mental health transformation.

Kailah is a new member at our gym Onyx 24/7 here in Western Australia and found this next step in her journey of not only pushing herself to another level physically, but in also sharing her story with us today. Kailah has a very powerful story that I am sure that a lot of teens may be able to relate to, but before you let you kids have a listen, parents we suggest that you have a listen first. Not only to make sure that this is something that you would find appropriate for your teen, but there are also some important stories for parents here too.

We hope you enjoy Episode 007 and remember if you can relate to the story today and would like reach out we are here for you. There are also some number to text or call at the very end of the podcast if you would like to talk to someone straight away. If you know someone that could benefit from Kailah's story please share it as much as you can.