Please remember that no episode of the MyoMinds podcast can be used as a replacement for medical advice and/or care.

Disclaimer - within this episode we talk about muscle dysmorphia and related mental health concerns, including steroid use and poor wellbeing. This includes examples of behaviours and thoughts from anonymised stories.

In this episode, I speak with Dr Christian Edwards a senior lecturer and researcher at Worchester University. Chris specialises in muscularity, muscle dysmorphia and the narratives that surround it.

Together we go through:

The difference between a drive to be more muscular and a clinical presentation of muscle dysmorphiaWhat pushes people towards muscle dysmorphiaWhy people are drawn to steroid use and how it can trap people, making it difficult to stop.How people struggling with muscle related issues can begin to move away from itHow friends, family and organisations can start to help people experiencing muscle dysmorphia.

To find out more and to get in touch with Christian go to:


Twitter: @ChrisJEdw

Email: [email protected]

Christain also mentioned other thing throughout the podcast that you can check out here:

Men and Boys Coalition resources self-esteem project body image problems -